ŁPT E2 (winter edition) (11-12-2014)
Catégorie: Competition
Carte/région: Stoki
Pays: Poland
Discipline: sprint
Distance: 3.64 km
Temps: 18:46
HR moyen: 160
HR maximum: 179
It was a mass start for 'normal' competitors, but due to my ankle I decided to take it as an individual race. I started very calm and speeded up towards the end of the course. Took some little bit longer routechoices: 3rd (6m), 21st (5m) and 22nd (10m). Nice to be able to run slightly faster again!

7th, 3:22 behind Rzeniu.
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ŁPT E2 (winter edition) (11-12-2014) ŁPT E2 (winter edition) (11-12-2014)