course from Olej (13/12/2015)
Kategoria: Training
Mapa/teren: Żelazko
Kraj: Poland
Konkurencja (dystans): middle
Dystans: 5.32 km
Czas: 61:06
2nd technical training of the weekend. This time on map scale 1:7500 (realised that at the first controls). A little strange mapping close to the 2nd control (big generalisation). Problems approaching the 6th control, so went back up and tried again. Failed again, so stood still and counted all the rocks. Success! Not optimal attack at the 9th control. Took the right routechoice to the 10th one, but was unsure if it was a good decision, so went back and checked the left one as well. Results: L 3:10 vs. R 2:22. First thought was good! 2 additional compass legs at the very end. Euphoric feeling to orienteer again!
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course from Olej (13/12/2015) course from Olej (13/12/2015)